Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thing #23 - I'm Done!!!

This learning experience was fun, but time consuming. I wish I had more time to complete the optional exercises in each Thing. Sometimes I was able to do them pretty easily, but other times I just needed to keep going.

My favorite part of this learning program was setting up my own blog and each of the components that we added to it. I feel like there is a little part of me on the Internet now.

I learned a lot from this learning program. I would definitely do it again. I do think that some of the directions could be better written. There were a few Things that took way more time than they should have because I was trying to figure out exactly what they were asking me to do. I saw this with other staff too. I loved seeing the staff get really into this exercise. They jumped in at full speed! Even the staff that said they were not tech savvy got really into it. How great is that!

Great program, but I'm glad I'm done.

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