Friday, August 10, 2007

Thing 9

Merlin - Merlin is a great site for the MD learning community. I love the learning links.

Feedster - reminds me of google. A big blank screen with a search box. If you don't know what to search for your in trouble. Half the time I fit into this category. I'd rather have some links to jump off from.

Topix - Not sure what this is about. It seems to give you headlines in your community. Just as easy to go to

Syndic8 - I didn't even bother with this one. If I don't like the site design, I don't waste my time.

Technorati - LOVED IT! I love the tag cloud. Loved that it has videos & music right there on the home page. I found a crazy Harry Potter video by using one of the tags in the Tag Cloud. I love seeing what other people are looking for.

1 comment:

Susan G. said...

Thanks for all the details about the different products you investigated.

Wow! Your RSS list is huge!